Keeping Safe:
Child Protection Curriculum

At Salvado Catholic College all students participate in Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum lessons. Keeping Safe is an evidence based, highly regarded, best practice child protection curriculum that has been developed in collaboration with child protection experts, teachers, educational leaders and other professionals. Keeping Safe covers a range of topics including new material on current issues such as bullying and cyber safety.  

The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum is divided into 5 documents specific to the year level/s of the children. The curriculum across each of the year levels addresses the same two themes and focus areas appropriate to the developmental level of the children.  

Keeping Safe is predicated on two themes:  

  1. We all have the right to be safe

  2. We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust

The themes are delivered to children across four focus areas that increase in complexity:  

  1. The right to be safe

  2. Relationships

  3. Recognising and reporting abuse

  4. Protective strategies.