
In Science lessons, students are provided with opportunities to investigate many exciting and interesting topics. Different units of study allow students to explore the all areas of Science, and each of the topics provides opportunities for hands on practical work, experiments, investigation, collaboration and discovery. 

In Biological Science, the students explore many aspects of nature from the differences between living and non-living things to animal life cycles, different categories in the animal kingdom, the important relationships between plants and animals and biomes such as deserts. 

In Chemical Science, the students examine various materials and their properties and uses, and explore the different states of matter including solids, liquids and gases. They examine the different characteristics of each of these states, experiment with temperature and investigate how different liquids interact when combined. 

In Earth and Space Science, students explore the world around them, both near and far. Topics of focus include night and day, rocks and soils, water, volcanoes and the Earth’s place in the Solar System. 

In Physical Science, the students investigate the different forces that influence our world. They explore effects of gravity, the forces of push and pull, the effects of heat and light, the properties of magnets and different forms of energy, both renewable and non-renewable.